Teknologisk Institut
Your pension site

Adjust your pension

Your pension scheme should be adjusted regularly when big changes occur in your life. For example, it is wise to contact Velliv if you get married, become a parent or move in with a partner. At the pension advising meeting you will receive qualified recommendations based on your requests and needs.

As a new employee comprised by the corporate pension scheme between Teknologisk Institut and Velliv, you are offered a pension scheme automatically. The contents of your scheme will depend on your employment. Please contact HR if you have any questions.

A pension scheme consists of two things: pension savings and insurance. The savings are needed for when you retire, and the insurances will secure you here and now. You do not have to do anything to get your pension covers and insurances established. It will all be effectuated automatically through your salary.

Book a meeting

As an employee, you can book an advisory meeting to discuss your pension scheme. You can select whether you want to have a physical meeting or an online meeting. The contents of the meeting are the same regardless of the form.

You will receive a booking link by email.

Personal advisory services

As part of your pension scheme, you can get personal advice. You will automatically receive an offer to book your first personal advisory meeting.

At the meeting, you will receive qualified recommendations based on your wishes and needs.

Before the meeting, please consider the following:

  • How do you wish to live your life when you retire?
  • How would you like to be covered financially in case of illness and death?
  • How would you like your savings to be invested?

Stay updated

You can follow your pension scheme on Mit Velliv / Netpension. Here, you can see your scheme, your contributions, your return and your payment for the insurances included in your scheme etc.

You may also register to receive the newsletter from velliv, Nyt om Liv & Pension (transl. News about Liv & Pension), by which you may keep yourself updated regarding the latest news within the pension branch.

Adjust your pension

Your pension scheme should be adjusted continuously as big changes happen in your life. It is a good idea to contact Velliv if you get married, become a parent, move in with a partner or something similar.

Changes in your life will influence how your insurances should be composed.


Get help finding the most suitable pension scheme for you.